Rules and Regulation  


  1. In case of absence from school, information must be sent to the school beforehand, duly signed by the parents. In case of prolonged illness the leave application must be supported by a medical certificate from qualified doctor.
  2. A student returning to school after infectious disease should also produce a fitness certificate from a doctor. The school authority is entitled to send the student back if it is in the interest of other students.
  3. Every student should carry the school diary, lunch box and water bottle daily with him /her to school.
  4. No child is permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without written permission of the Principal which will be granted only at the specific written request made personally by the parents.
  5. Cycle must be locked and parked at the cycle stand.
  6. Use of mobile phones is banned and is a punishable act as per rules of school and CBSE.
  7. Keep the Study Plan (3rd -7th ) booklet on your study table at home and follow the information and guidelines mentioned in it.
  8. Students are not allowed to bring the following:-Objectionable literature/audio-visual aids.
  9. Students must come to school in clean, well ironed dress, sober hair style and well polished shoes. Low waist / narrow trousers (boys) and short skirts, tight suits (girls) must be avoided.
  10. A student misbehaving with any staff member may be rusticated /suspended.
  11. Classroom discipline should be maintained.
  12. Students must avoid loud talks/shouting/derogatory language in the school.
  13. Silence in corridors, in the library and laboratories is mandatory.
  14. Students must converse in English during school hours.
  15. Students must report the class teacher in the event of Any breakage,Any sickness/bruise,Any errant behavior by his/her fellow.


  1. The fee should be deposited in time as per the schedule given in the fee booklet. No reminder will be sent for depositing the fees failing which the child will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall.
  2. Parents cannot deny the participation of the child in any school activity and celebration of National days and other functions and activities organized by school.
  3. Parents/ Guardians are not allowed to walk into the classrooms and argue or fall in arguments with teachers during class hours.
  4. Attending the Parents Teacher Meet (PTM) is compulsory for the parents to keep the track of their ward’s progress.
  5. Parents are requested to check the diaries of their wards daily and ensure that the instructions are being followed by them properly. In case parents want to communicate with the teacher they can use the diary for the same.
  6. Parents are advised to drop their child at the entrance gate only (not upto the class room).
  7. Parents are advised to work in co-ordination with the teachers for the Development and Progress of their child’s potential to the maximum.
  8. Preserve the copy of study plan safely.
  9. Go through the study plan and consult it regularly to keep pace with teachers.
  10. Discuss the problems and difficulties concerning the syllabus with concerned teachers before the Term examination.
  11. Send books and notebooks according to the timetable.
  12. Check the bag of your ward daily.
  13. Please send your ward’s diary in school daily and write message in diary if your ward has some problem.
  14. Please ensure that he/she comes to school in proper uniform; the specification and design of which has been laid down by the school.
  15. Please do not give money or costly items to the children.
  16. Send leave application if your ward is taking leave from school.
  17. Take care of condition and cover of books and notebooks + diary.
  18. All constructive suggestions or recommendations are always welcome.
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R.B. DAV Sr.Sec.Public School

Bibi Wala Road, Dayanand Nagar, Bathinda-151001
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